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"Dr. Sadineni and her team were very friendly and provided excellent, skilled dental services"

- Barb Benton

Tag: dental bridges


Feb 25

Smile Makeovers for Seniors: It’s Never Too Late for a New Look

A radiant smile knows no age. Whether you’re in your golden years or just stepping into adulthood, a beautiful smile can transform your confidence and quality of life. Dublin dentists believe that age is just a number when it comes…



May 17

Employ Dental Bridges For Reviving Your Joyous Smile Once Again!

There are many dental problems that can very adversely cause oral health problems, but adult tooth loss is the most serious of them. Many people who lose their tooth are bothered by the visual effects that tooth loss makes on…



Jan 17

Teeth Whitening – A Cosmetic Dental Procedure To Conceal Clumsy Stains & Brighten Smile!

Tooth whitening is actually a cosmetic dental procedure which is medically performed to whiten teeth. This frequently applied dental procedure typically involves bleaching of tooth so as to wipe out hideous stains and brighten the smile. Causes Of Teeth Discoloration…



Nov 13

The Advantages That Come Along the Invisalign Treatment for A Bad Structure

The struggle of misaligned teeth can only be felt by those who do have an uneven structure. There was a time when metallic braces were the only alternative for those who were facing this problem. However, this option came along…



Nov 13

The Requirements of Dental Implants for a Broad Smile

If a single tooth is missing from your entire structure, it may pose threat to the firmness of the rest. Especially, when one of the molars goes missing, the issue of eating is affected largely. Your speech may also get…


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572 Metro Place North,
Dublin, Ohio 43017

Monday to Friday 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM