Our first priority is your overall dental health. By incorporating preventative dentistry into your dental treatment, you can be assured that you will stay healthy. Preventative dental treatments, along with general dental care, plays an important role in maintaining optimal oral health for you and your family.
Dr. Sadineni puts an emphasis on patient education, thorough hygiene exams and cleanings, and quality restorative dental treatments, all geared around preserving and protecting your oral health and total wellness. Dr. Sadineni and hygiene team provide patient focused care for a dental experience that is relaxed and rewarding. All of our team is highly trained in the latest techniques and tools of today’s dentistry, making any exam or treatment provided in our office as efficient and comfortable as possible. We have a team that truly cares, taking the time to listen and discuss your desires and concerns. We aim to create the long-lasting personal relationships and provide the individualized attention that will exceed any expectations you have about dental care.
You can look forward to a complete evaluation of your dental condition, including a full oral cancer screening during every hygiene appointment. We believe that early detection is the best way to ensure that only the most conservative dentistry is needed. Our focus is to maintain the good condition of your natural teeth and gums, with the hope that they will be yours for a lifetime.
Please browse through some of the preventive dentistry we offer below