Do you have enough understanding about the dental implants? If no, here is an opportunity to understand it better. First thing you need to know is who can go for dental implants. The answer is very simple and straightforward. If…
Read MoreSmile is one thing that is considered a precious gift of god. A perfect smile is indeed something that you would always desire and aspire for.If you want to ensure your perfect smile, a good oral health is a must…
Read MoreThe struggle of misaligned teeth can only be felt by those who do have an uneven structure. There was a time when metallic braces were the only alternative for those who were facing this problem. However, this option came along…
Read MoreIf a single tooth is missing from your entire structure, it may pose threat to the firmness of the rest. Especially, when one of the molars goes missing, the issue of eating is affected largely. Your speech may also get…
Read MoreForget everything you've heard about teeth straightening. Because we now have a breakthrough technology that lets you get the smile you always wanted without bands, brackets or wires. It's called Invisalign and whether your smile needs minor improvements or something…
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