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"Dr. Sadineni and her team were very friendly and provided excellent, skilled dental services"

- Barb Benton


Dental Treatments Are No More “Painful” With Oral Sedation

Many of the people suffering from some or other dental problem tend to have the “fear” of treatments. Believe it or not, these people are so tense with this fear that even the thought of seeing a dentist makes them uncomfortable from inside. For them, sitting on the chair in front of a dentist is just like surrendering themselves to death. Definitely it sounds strange but it’s true.

A lot of people have this phobia of going to a dentist. As a result of this phobia, they avoid treatments. But what is the reason behind this fear? Well, it is pain. People with dental problems feel that they would need to go through tremendous amount of pain during their treatments. This creates fear in them and they avoid seeing dentists.

Yes, it is true that dental treatments can sometimes be little painful, but only when they are conducted without proper pain relieving measures. Remember, dentist is a not a murderer; he is not there to kill you. He is a professional who is carrying tons of experience in dental procedures and is there to help you get rid of your oral problems.

When it comes to oral health care, Dublin Metro Dental is a name that has marked a niche in the industry. The dentists in Dublin Metro Dental use highly effective pain relieving measures in their treatments, so you do not need to suffer from pain. One such method is oral sedation.

In oral sedation, the patient is given sedative pills (medication drugs) that help patients relax during the dental procedures. It is a part of sedation dentistry. Some people are having this misconception that after taking a sedative, you go into sleep. Well, it’s not true. Yes, you do experience a deep sense of relaxation, but you are still awake. Your treatment takes place smoothly and you do not feel any pain. Isn’t it great?

Are sedatives for everyone?

No!  Before you are given a sedative, it is ensured that it is absolutely safe for you. If it is found that the sedative can cause some problem to you, it is not prescribed by the dentists.  Dr. Sadineni will ensure that you can undergo sedation dentistry. Once you are found okay for sedation dentistry, you would be asked you to swallow a small sedative. After that, the dentists would start with the dental procedure.

As you will be experiencing the effects of the sedative, it would be better that you are driven from the office.

Whether you need a general checkup, cleaning of your teeth or a full-smile makeover, Dublin Metro Dental can provide you exceptional services without causing any pain.

So what are you waiting for? Book an appointment today.


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572 Metro Place North,
Dublin, Ohio 43017

Monday to Friday 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM