Teeth whitening lighten and brighten the teeth as well as help to get rid of discolorations and stains. Whitening is one of the most admired cosmetic dental procedures since it brings a big difference in improving the teeth appearance.
Whitening is neither a onetime procedure nor a onetime investment on the contrary it calls for repetition time to time; if you really wish to maintain brighter color and happy smile.
Who Can Perform Teeth Whitening?
Teeth whitening can only be performed by an experienced dentist or a dental professional like dental therapist or dental hygienist on the prescription of a licensed dentist.
There are some beauty salons that proffer tooth whitening facility but it is illegal since there is no presence of any dental professional; so it may bring your dental health at risk.
What Happens During The Procedure?
If you want to undergo teeth whitening treatment, you need to make many frequent visits to the dental surgery. At dental lab, dentist takes an impression of the teeth to construct a mouth-guard and to instruct you about directions of use with a bleaching gel. You need to apply the gel to the mouth-guard for a specific period of time for a moth approx. Some of the tooth whitening gels can be left around 8 hours at a time which shortens the period of treatment to one week.
Another type of the system that is used for the whitening process is called ‘laser whitening’. This is the technique where a bleaching product is applied to your teeth then a laser light is displayed on them to activate the whitening. The procedure takes an hour about to be completed.
When to Go For Getting Teeth Whitening?
Whether tooth whitening treatment is right for you or not, can be better advised by a dental expert only. It is quite possible that the procedure may not suit you in some certain situations like if you have any gum problems or crowns.
Are Teeth Whitening Eternal?
No, it is not a permanent solution to your problem as said above that it is not a onetime investment. It can last from a couple of months to 3 years log varies from person to person.
Generally, it doesn’t give lasting whitening if you are a smoker, drunker or addicted of taking tea or coffee since it can stain the spotless beauty of your teeth.
Bottom Line:
So if you want to get teeth whitening treatment done, visit some top notch website to get the procedure done.