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"Dr. Sadineni and her team were very friendly and provided excellent, skilled dental services"

- Barb Benton

Dental Health

Enhance the Success Rate of Your Dental Implants in Columbus Ohio

Do you have enough understanding about the dental implants? If no, here is an opportunity to understand it better. First thing you need to know is who can go for dental implants. The answer is very simple and straightforward. If you happen to have sufficient bone density in the region surrounding the teeth to be replaced with dental implants, then you are the right candidate for the dental implant surgery. In case you are missing most of your teeth, then also, dental implants can work for you. But, it is also a fact that most people decide to get dental implants as a replacement for their insecure or uncomfortable bridges and partial dentures.

Factors that determine the success or failure of your dental implant

Affordable Dental ImplantsOne thing that is important to be considered here is to ensure the success of the dental implant surgery. The success of your dental implant surgery depends on the tooth which is being replaced and how much is its involvement in biting and chewing. If your front teeth in the lower or upper jaw are to be replaced with dental implants, then your success rate is expected to be somewhere around 90%. But, in case the back molars are to be replaced, then the success rate can drop a little to as low as 85%.

Precautions to be taken while going for the dental implants

Actually, your dental implants consist of materials like ceramic or titanium. If such materials are flawed during your surgery, they are likely to break. In case of insufficient bone density also, the dental implant can simply fall apart. Precaution should also be taken by your surgeon that there is no microbial growth in and around the jaw bone at the implant sites prior to surgery as they can be the cause for the infection which in turn may require removal of the implant. However, Dental implants treatments at Dublin Metro Dental in ColumbusOhio, in all probability is believed to show high success rate. This will make sure that you get a permanent fix to your worn out teeth with an assurance of high efficacy.

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572 Metro Place North,
Dublin, Ohio 43017

Monday to Friday 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM